Weight Loss to Date

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I feel crappy. Crappy because I have a cold and its dragging me down. And also crappy because I got broken up with. I'm not crushed-- we weren't right for each other. Its ok. I just liked having someone to text and go to things with. I can't believe I got hit on ONE day after being broken up with. Maybe I'm sort of cute after all. Not cute enough. I know I can be so thin if I work at this.

This morning I had my leftovers from yesterday and some coffee. Hopefully I can have the willpower to not eat anything else. If I have to eat again, I will consume only water, diet coke, and veggies. I CAN do this. I WILL be hot! I deserve this.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I'm glad you love it here! It makes me unreasonably happy to know that. I mean, it's not like I made this place with my own two hands and a shovel or anything. lol

    I'm sure that if you keep your diet healthy it will reduce the urge to purge.

    And I think probably you already ARE hot, if boys are lining up to check you out. You can only get hotter, lady.

    This is weird but I'm gonna post my phone number and then you can just delete this comment, aiight?

    So that way, if you ever need someone nearby to text/talk to about food/eating issues or anything else, you can reach me.

