Weight Loss to Date

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Well, today wasn't an epic fail, believe it or not (well, I don't think). I've been on a horrible streak the past few days. I hope its over. I started out by working out. I burned 425 calories. I'm epically sore from my run the other night.

Then, I went to breakfast with a couple friends. Coffee and fruit. Pb 250 cals tops. Went to work, ate two house salads and some croutons...

100 cals for cheese
320 cals for croutons :(
50 cals for dressing

So an 800ish day? Not great, but okay. I wish I hadn't wasted all those calories on croutons, but I was so exhausted and bored and stressed. I hate waitressing. Freak. The good news is I probably burned extra calories running around at work.

Crap. And I just remembered I ate a friggin' banana. 90 cals? And add to that about 40 cals for the creamer I used in my coffee at work. So more like 900-1000 cals. The good thing is that I feel hungry, finally. But its not like empty hungry. Just... dull hungry.

Plan for tomorrow (which is dumb because I never follow them, but I'm gonna try):

Yogurt- 60 cals
apple- 130 cals
soup- 100 cals (50 cals a serving, I'll have it twice)
another apple if I need it?

I'm gonna do this! I feel motivated! Happy I had a good day today. I hope you all have a good day with me tomorrow <3


  1. Good luck on your plan for today! It looks like a good one to me :)

  2. trying to have a good day with you- so far 30 calories! but i'm sooo hungry! I need to just make it until an (early) dinner and i'll be smooooth sailing!
