Weight Loss to Date

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Welp, lately I have been sucking. But all the social eating is hopefully over for a few days, so maybe I will be okay. I haven't had a chance to go to the gym either :(

I guess I could've, but I was sooo tired. Today I am not going to the Y because I've fasted so far today and I will get to too gung ho. But I am going for a walk with my friend, so that will help.

Yay for fasting! I just don't even want to think about what will happen if I eat again. I have to lose this weight!!!! The good thing is that other people have noticed me losing weight, which is nice. But its stil not enough. BTW, I have probably consumed around 70 cals worth of cream in my tea today (2 diff cups).

Hunger is fat leaving the body.


Welp, I had some green tea w/ 30 cals worth of cream. Intake so far 100 cals. Going for a walk. Net intake zero?!?!?! Hope so.

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