Weight Loss to Date

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A little frustrating. Lost a pound since yesterday, but I feel like I'm back tracking because I managed to gain somewhere in there. I just have to get past the next 10's place!! I am so close. And on that note, I really need to get myself to the gym. Been debating this morning because I am sooooo tired, but I'm gonna go do it. Here's to being much lighter before my Colorado audition!!!

Annnnd btw, I got notification yesterday that I have been granted an audition to UTK as well :)


Managed to burn 675 cals in just over an hour at the gym today :) All I've eaten is a 50 cal piece of toast w/ no cal butter substitute, and had a little cranberry juice watered down. Pb about 50 cals worth of juice with my vitamins. I feel a little queasy from them, so I might have to pop a few blueberries in a bit. We'll see. Feeling good. Maybe I should do this net calorie thing that some of you do... In that case my net cals so far would be -575!!


So far only a 90 calorie skinny vanilla latte in addition to this morning :) Sweet. Total so far, 190! So hungry, but I can deal. Hunger pangs are just fat leaving the body! I'll drink some water.

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