Weight Loss to Date

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I know I have to keep my strength up for the opera. After it is over, I have to be strong. Life will only be what I want it to be if I am thin. Period.

I've been really, really tired, and I know I need vitamins. Gotta get those after the opera.

Here is tomorrow's plan:

Work out
don't eat
only coffee and B vitamins until dinner time (cranberries for sustenance)
I need to eat a decent dinner so I am ready for Friday.
Eat well on Friday.
No excuses on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday

Monday--work hard on teaching, work out, don't eat

Tuesday--don't eat until the cast party!

Wednesday--begin liquid fast!!!


A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

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